Allergies SUCK

On: Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Allergies for me are somewhat of a seasonal thing, it's usually nothing severe and goes away quickly. However this year I've been having some problems with my ears being blocked and crackling... and I can't listen to music for more than maybe 20 minutes before they start hurting (WHICH IS KILLING ME).

After going to a couple doctors; which was a complete waste of time, they suggested that allergies were the cause and the problem will probably reside for a few MONTHS. I don't know if I can handle this for a few more days let alone months.. going insane.

Medicine does pretty much nothing so I'm lost on what to do.. Tried several "remedies" and nothing helps. Why couldn't I have just gotten a damn runny nose like everyone else :(

1 comments on "Allergies SUCK"

Version 2.0 said...

grrr those doctors and their useless medicine. my doctor gave me these lactose pills for my intolerance that barely work and they were the same ones I bought from the store too..
they expect you to wait a few months for it to clear? that's just..stupid. you'll get better ace..and this probably won't work but maybe you should drink some hot tea or something..put the heat on. PUT THE HEAT ON..FLAME ON!!

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