Archives for 2009

Allergies SUCK

On: Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Allergies for me are somewhat of a seasonal thing, it's usually nothing severe and goes away quickly. However this year I've been having some problems with my ears being blocked and crackling... and I can't listen to music for more than maybe 20 minutes before they start hurting (WHICH IS KILLING ME).

After going to a couple doctors; which was a complete waste of time, they suggested that allergies were the cause and the problem will probably reside for a few MONTHS. I don't know if I can handle this for a few more days let alone months.. going insane.

Medicine does pretty much nothing so I'm lost on what to do.. Tried several "remedies" and nothing helps. Why couldn't I have just gotten a damn runny nose like everyone else :(

Oooooh, I get it

On: Monday, May 4, 2009

It's always interesting when you've been trying to figure out something and even if your life depended on it you were just completely dumbfounded. But then you decide to take a break, maybe a few days or even weeks and come back and all of a sudden something clicks and you think: "Wow how did I not get something so simple?"

Awhile ago I took up Python (a programming language) during my winter break and had some fun with it learning the basics and writing a few programs (very simple things like a calculator etc). Towards the end of my break I began learning about the object-oriented part of coding (if you're not a technical person, bear with me) and the syntax for some reason just completely threw me off. After re-reading the explanations and going through the examples a few times I felt brain-dead, not understanding at all what was being done and why. Once school started again I mostly quit doing anything with Python because I already felt overwhelmed with testing and etc.

Today, however, I re-downloaded Python and refreshed myself with the basics and then I got to where I was stuck before. I re-read the explanation and went through the examples and surprisingly it made perfect sense! I can't believe I didn't get it before, now seeming so simple and straight-forward. It's great when things like this happen because you get that extra push of motivation and abit of confidence in what you're doing.

I plan to give a shot at writing a game soon :) I'll keep a log of what happens, should be interesting.

Bioshock screenshots

On: Thursday, April 30, 2009

One of my favorite fps games of all time

Bioshock... it's been out for awhile and I already beat it on xbox 360, but I couldn't resist getting it again for the PC. I haven't beat it yet but I've taken some screenshots thus far, plan on taking some more soon.

Just posting a few links for now, will have my album link posted soon as I finish the rest of the captions (since Blogger is too stupid to make them).
Wish TinyPic would've let me keep the original size but they shrunk all the pics down...
Not really in any particular order, was considering making them go together but too lazy for that at the moment.


I HATE wireless

Never... NEVER get wireless internet...

I've been trying for days to make my wireless work on my new computer but it always disconnects or is incredibly slow, which really sucks because I can't play left 4 dead survival :/

Well the damn cable company is coming out Saturday.. hopefully they can help with the problem and I'll also finally have HDTV :) Can't wait to see Heroes in HD

First post on my blog, even though it's pretty short~